
School Solutions
Check the Facts programs have been serving 6,000+ students per year in Northern California since 2016. Beacon of Light is ready to launch them throughout California and any other interested states.
Consists of ten presentations covering topics such as:
Anatomy, Conception, and Fetal Development
Gender Identity, Stereotypes, and Allyship
Sexually Transmitted Infections, Contraception
Social Media Awareness and Safety
Healthy Relationships
Community Solutions
Check the Facts is ideal for student learning environments of all kinds. It is a non-religious and fact-based curriculum that addresses the questions young people are asking. It is relatable, easy to discuss with peers and at home, and encouraging to students who are already making healthy choices.

CA Healthy Youth Act Compliance
Check the Facts is a complete solution for California Healthy Youth Act (CYHA) AB-329. It is comprehensive in nature without oversexualizing content, images, and activities.
Our teaching points are rooted in current statistics from the CDC and up-to-date relationship research.
Parents have the greatest influence over their child's decisions about sex—more than friends, siblings, or the media, according to national surveys conducted by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.
Beacon of Light's education model includes parents, caregivers, and trusted adults in the preparing of young people for healthy living and life's big decisions. Check the Facts programs encourage healthy decision making for students while encouraging them to stay connected to the trusted adults in their lives. Part of the way we do that is providing transparency with our material.

1. Albert B. (2012). With one voice: America’s adults and teens sound off about teen pregnancy. Washington, DC: The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Retrieved February 11, 2014, from http://thenationalcampaign.org/resource/one-voice-2012.